Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS-XIII
Accepted Papers
Thank you to everyone who submitted papers to ANTS XIII. We are pleased to announce the accepted papers (listed alphabetically by first author).
Click on the title of any paper below to see its abstract, a link to the printed paper, and slides from the corresponding talk at the conference. Or download all the pre-conference versions of the papers as one concatenated [pdf] or as a [zip] folder containing each paper as a separate pdf file.
- S. Abelard, P. Gaudry and P.-J. Spaenlehauer, Counting points on genus-3 hyperelliptic curves with explicit real multiplication
- S. Arora and K. Eisenträger, Constructing Picard curves with complex multiplication using the Chinese Remainder Theorem
- V. Arul, A. J. Best, E. Costa, R. Magner and N. Triantafillou, Computing zeta functions of cyclic covers in large characteristic
- A. Babei, Computing normalizers of tiled orders in Mn(k)
- J.-D. Bauch and H. T. Nguyen Tran, Computation of triangular integral bases
- A. Best, Explicit Coleman integration in larger characteristic
- J.-F. Biasse and C. van Vredendaal, Fast multiquadratic S-unit computation and application to the calculation of class groups
- A. Bostan, X. Caruso, G. Christol and P. Dumas, Fast coefficient computation for algebraic power series in positive characteristic
- R. Bröker, D. Hubbard and L. C. Washington, Explicit computations in Iwasawa theory
- N. Bruin, J. Sijsling and A. Zotine, Numerical computation of endomorphism rings of Jacobians
- S. Chan, J. Hanselman and W. Li, Ranks, 2-Selmer groups, and Tamagawa numbers of elliptic curves with Z/2Z x Z/8Z-torsion
- Q. Cheng, S. Gao, J. M. Rojas and D. Wan, Counting roots for polynomials modulo prime powers
- O. Colman, A. Ghitza and N. C. Ryan, Analytic evaluation of Hecke eigenvalues for Siegel modular forms of degree two
- E. Costa, D. Harvey and K. S. Kedlaya, Zeta functions of nondegenerate hypersurfaces in toric varieties via controlled reduction in p-adic cohomology
- C. Fieker, T. Hofmann and C. Sircana, On the construction of class fields
- A. Gélin, E. W. Howe and C. Ritzenthaler, Principally polarized squares of elliptic curves with field of moduli equal to Q
- L. Grémy, Higher dimensional sieving for the number field sieve algorithms
- D. Harvey and J. van der Hoeven, Faster integer multiplication using short lattice vectors
- T. Hofmann and Y. Zhang, Cyclic extensions of prime degree and their p-adic regulators
- K. S. Kedlaya and A. Medvedovsky, Mod-2 dihedral Galois representations of prime conductor
- T. Kleinjung and B. Wesolowski, A new perspective on the powers of two descent for discrete logarithms in finite fields
- D. Kohel, Arithmetic statistics of Galois groups
- M. Musty, S. Schiavone, J. Sijsling and J. Voight, A database of Belyĭ maps
- D. Roe, The inverse Galois problem for p-adic fields
- A. Shallue and J. Webster, Fast tabulation of challenge pseudoprimes
- A. V. Sutherland, A database of nonhyperelliptic genus 3 curves over Q
- A. V. Sutherland, Fast Jacobian arithmetic for hyperelliptic curves of genus 3
- B. Wesolowski, Generating subgroups of ray class groups with small prime ideals
© 2017-2018 Jennifer Paulhus (with thanks to Kiran S. Kedlaya, and by extension Pierrick Gaudry and Emmanuel Thomé)