Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS-XIII
Effective Chebotarev density theorems for families of number fields without GRH
Melanie Matchett Wood
Abstract: We discuss a new effective Chebotarev density theorem, not conditional on GRH, that improves the previously known unconditional error term and allows primes to be taken quite small; this theorem holds for the Galois closures of "almost all" number fields that lie in an appropriate family of field extensions. We discuss applications to bounds on l-torsion in the class groups and small generators for number fields. This talk is on joint work with Lillian Pierce and Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh.
Files available: slides
© 2017-2018 Jennifer Paulhus (with thanks to Kiran S. Kedlaya, and by extension Pierrick Gaudry and Emmanuel Thomé)