Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS-XIII
University of Wisconsin, Madison
July 16 – 20, 2018

Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS-XIII)
July 16 – 20, 2018


Thank you to everyone who shared the below photos with the local organziers. We'd be happy to share more, if you have any photos you would like to send us. Also, Noam Elkies has kindly shared his website which contains annotated photos/travel blog from his week in Madison.

Group Photo

ANTS XIII Group Photo
- Photo by Andrew Shallue

World Cup

World Cup Watch Party
- Photo by Islem Ghaffor

Opening Reception

ANTS Cake--Full s ANTS Cake--Cut
- Photo by Kiran Kedlaya   - Photo by Islem Ghaffor
(Yes, the cake was the most photographed object at ANTS!)

More ANTS Cake Van Vleck Hall
- Photos by Noam Elkies

Awards Ceremony

Selfridge Prize Winners Poster Prize Winner
- Photos by Steven Galbraith

Poster Session

Poster Session
- Photo by Andrew Shallue
Poster Session Poster Session Poster Session Poster Session
- Photos by Islem Ghaffor

Grainger Hall

Grainger Hall
- Photo by Islem Ghaffor
Them! Poster
- Photo by Noam Elkies of the poster greeting conference participants

Free Afternoon

Devil's Lake State Park Devil's Lake State Park
- Photos by Andrew Shallue at Devil's Lake State Park

Welcoming Comments of Dean Marí-Beffa

Dean Marí-Beffa
- Photo by Islem Ghaffor

Plenary Talks

Noam Elkies Jennifer Balakrishnan Steven Galbraith Melanie Matchett Wood Emmanual Thome
- Photos by Islem Ghaffor


Posted in order of presentation.
Gelin Li Schiavone Costa Bruin
Kedlaya Ryan Kohel Best Triantafillou
Tran Babei Roe Sutherland Arora
Wesolowski Sircana Biasse Zhang Broker
Cheng Caruso Harvey Gremy Webster
- Photos by Islem Ghaffor
© 2017-2018 Jennifer Paulhus (with thanks to Kiran S. Kedlaya, and by extension Pierrick Gaudry and Emmanuel Thomé)