University of Calgary


ANTS-VIII 2008 Accepted Submissions

This is a preliminary list, several more submissions are still under consideration. The papers are listed in no particular order.

1. Almost prime orders of CM elliptic curves modulo $p$,
Jorge Jimenez Urroz

2. Computing in component groups of elliptic curves,
John E Cremona

3. Improved Stage 2 to $P \pm 1$ Factoring Algorithms,
Peter L. Montgomery and Alexander Kruppa

4. Efficiently Computable Distortion Maps for Supersingular Curves,
Katsuyuki Takashima

5. K3 surfaces of Picard rank one and degree two,
Andreas-Stephan Elsenhans and Jorg Jahnel

6. An explicit construction of an initial perfect quadratic forms over some families of totally real number fields,
Alar Leibak

7. Computing a Lower Bound for the Canonical Height on Elliptic Curves over Totally Real Number Fields,
Thotsaphon Thongjunthug

8. Faster Multiplication in $GF(2)[x]$,
Richard P. Brent, Pierrick Gaudry, Emmanuel Thomé and Paul Zimmermann

9. Hecke operators and Hilbert modular forms,
Paul E. Gunnells and Dan Yasaki

10. On prime-order elliptic curves with embedding degrees k=3,4 and 6,
Koray Karabina and Edlyn Teske

11. Some improvements to 4-descent on an elliptic curve,
Tom Fisher

12. Efficient Hyperelliptic Arithmetic using Balanced Representation for Divisors,
Steven D. Galbraith, Michael Harrison and David J. Mireles Morales

13. Computing L-series of hyperelliptic curves,
Kiran S. Kedlaya and Andrew V. Sutherland

14. Predicting the Sieving Effort for the Number Field Sieve,
Willemien Ekkelkamp

15. Enumeration of totally real number fields of bounded root discriminant,
John Voight

16. Non-Vanishing of Dirichlet $L$-functions at the central point,
Sami Omar

17. Computing zeta functions in families of $C_{a,b}$ curves using deformation,
Wouter Castryck, Hendrik Hubrechts and Frederik Vercauteren

18. An Improved Multi-Set Algorithm for the Dense Subset Sum Problem,
Andrew Shallue

19. Computing Hilbert Class Polynomials,
Juliana Belding, Reinier Broker, Andreas Enge and Kristin Lauter

20. A Birthday Paradox for Markov chains, with an optimal bound for collision in the Pollard Rho Algorithm for Discrete Logarithm,
Jeong Han Kim, Ravi Montenegro, Yuval Peres and Prasad Tetali

21. Tabulation of Cubic Function Fields with Imaginary and Unusual Hessian,
Pieter Rozenhart and Renate Scheidler

22. On the Diophantine Equation $x2 + 2^{\alpha}5^{\beta}13^{\gamma} = y^n$,
Edray Goins, Florian Luca, and Alain Togbe

23. Number Fields Ramified at One Prime,
John W. Jones and David P. Roberts

24. Functorial Properties of Stark Units,
Brett A. Tangedal

25. Ordinary abelian varieties with prescribed embedding degree,
David Freeman, Peter Stevenhagen and Marco Streng

26. Shimura curve computations via K3 surfaces of Neron-Severi rank at least 19,
Noam D. Elkies

27. Computing Hilbert Modular Forms Over Fields With Nontrivial Class Group,
Lassina Dembele And Steve Donnelly

28. Point counting on singular hypersurfaces,
Remke Kloosterman