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Ninth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS-IX
INRIA, Nancy, France
July 19 – 23, 2010

Ninth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS-IX
July 19 – 23, 2010


The workshop takes place at INRIA Nancy, Villers-lès-Nancy, France.
This denotes the exact same place as LORIA, Campus scientifique, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France.
Both towns are in in the direct vicinity of Nancy.

Nancy is approximately 350km east of Paris.

Coming by plane

You may either choose to reach the local airport, or travel via Paris-Charles de Gaulle.

The local airport (Nancy-Metz, ETZ) is 30km away from Nancy, but few airlines go there. Shuttles provide transportation to and from the airport. The “ official ” shuttle service has a schedule, and even a web site. Private taxi companies also provide similar service (albeit more expensive).

If you choose to travel via Paris-Charles de Gaulle, you'll still have 350km to go once you have landed. You may either rent a car there, or take the train.

It is also possible to fly to one of the airports in the region like Luxembourg, Frankfurt or Strasbourg airports. Train connections from these airports to Nancy is slightly less expensive than the TGV train. Please look up the Deutsche Bahn site, which most capable to provide reliable information on such cross-border connections. Some low-cost flights reach Basel-Mulhouse or Frankfurt-Hahn, but it can be more difficult to reach Nancy from these airports by public transportation.

Coming by train

Coming by train via Paris follows similarly as above. From some countries (e.g. Germany, Luxemburg), Nancy is reachable directly.

Reaching INRIA/LORIA from the inner city

Warning: the tram service is exceptionnally interrupted this Summer. We modified the following information accordingly, but you might still find information related to the tram that should then be ignored.

Here are a few documents relative to reaching INRIA/LORIA from downtown.

The easiest way to reach the LORIA from the train station is to take the Bus T1 (this is the bus that replaces the tram line).

Tram stop at the Station

In the map you can see the situation of the Train Station and the nearest stop of Bus T1 (the North part of the Tram line is still active, Loria is in the other direction). Bus tickets can be purchased at the vending machine just at the bus stop, or at the ticket booth which is inside the train station, in ``hall république'', southern part of the station.
You have to take the bus in the direction Vandoeuvre, Chu Brabois, and get off at stop « Vélodrome ». The ride takes approximately 20 minutes.

The following map highlights LORIA amongst the nearby buildings (Université Henri Poincaré). The walk from the bus stop to the building is approximately 5 minutes.

From the Callot Stop to LORIA

This is how the LORIA building looks in summer:

view from LORIA

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