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Ninth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS-IX
INRIA, Nancy, France
July 19 – 23, 2010

Ninth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS-IX
July 19 – 23, 2010

Call for Papers

Note: submission is now CLOSED.

The submission schedule is as follows.

Following a long tradition, the proceedings will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series.

Interested authors are encouraged to submit full length research articles for consideration for publication no later than January 17, 2010 January 24, 2010, 23:59 GMT. Electronic submission of papers in PDF format is mandatory. The total length of papers may not exceed 15 pages in the standard LNCS style, including references. In keeping with the high standard of the ANTS Proceedings, every paper will be carefully reviewed and only those papers of very high quality will be accepted for publication. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to present their work at the conference.

Papers should be prepared using the Springer LNCS style.

Submission is via EasyChair, at the web site

Note: submission is now CLOSED.

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