General Schedule Participants Proceedings Accommodations Registration

ANTS VI Proceedings/Directions for Authors

The refereed Proceedings of ANTS VI will be published in the Springer LNCS series and will be handed to the participants when they check in. For this to be possible, speakers at ANTS VI will have to submit a paper well in advance and adhere strictly to the deadlines. The deadline for initial submissions is Wednesday, 10 December 2003


  • Deadline for submission of contributed papers is Wednesday, 10 December 2003
  • Deadline for submission of invited papers is Friday, 5 March 2004
  • Contributed papers will be refereed and accepted/refused by Friday, 6 February 2004
  • Final revised papers are due Friday, 5 March 2004
  • ANTS VI takes place from Sunday, 13 June 2004 through Friday, 18 June 2004


    The Proceedings for ANTS VI will appear in Springer's series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Please adhere to the following when submitting a contributed paper:
    • Contributed papers cannot exceed 15 pages in total length.
    • follow Springer's instructions for authors of papers in LNCS-Proceedings volumes;
    • in particular note that LaTeX2e should be used, using the class file llncs.cls,
    • and that submissions should be sent to

    Note that the production schedule for the proceedings volume is tight and thus we will be forced to refuse any submissions that are late or do not conform to the required format. The Lecture Notes in Computer Science are now also published electronically. This means, among other things, that in addition to the printed papers, Springer will need the electronic files, ideally the source files, of all parts of authors' manuscripts.

    Program Committee


    Questions? - send email to

    General Schedule Participants Proceedings Accommodations Registration