Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium III

3:00-7:00pm Registration, Bragdon Dorm Lobby
7:00 p.m. Opening Banquet, Reed College
9:00-10:00 Invited Talk: Noam D. Elkies Shimura Curve Computations
10:30-10:50 David S. Dummit, Brett A. Tangedal Computing the Lead Term of an Abelian L-function
10:55-11:15 Renate Scheidler, Andreas Stein Unit Computation in Purely Cubic Function Fields of Unit Rank 1
11:20-11:40 Antonia Bluher Formal Groups, Elliptic Curves, and some Theorems of Couveignes
11:45-12:05 Robert J. Zuccherato The Equivalence Between Elliptic Curve and Quadratic Function Field Discrete Logarithms in Characteristic Two
2:00-2:20 Adam Young, Moti Yung Finding Length-3 Positive Cunningham Chains and their Cryptographic Significance
2:25-2:45 Daniel J. Bernstein Bounding Smooth Integers
2:50-3:10 Joshua Holden Irregularity of Prime Numbers over Real Quadratic Fields
3:45-4:05 Daniel M. Gordon, Gene Rodemich Dense Admissible Sets
4:10-4:30 William F. Galway Robert Bennion's ``Hopping Sieve''
4:35-4:55 Jonathan Sorenson Trading Time for Space in Prime Number Sieves
9:00-10:00 Invited Talk: Dan Boneh The Decision Diffie-Hellman Problem
10:30-10:50 Erik De Win, Serge Mister, Bart Preneel, Michael Wiener On the Performance of Signature Schemes based on Elliptic Curves
10:55-11:15 Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher, Joseph H. Silverman NTRU: A Ring-Based Public Key Cryptosystem
11:20-11:40 Edlyn Teske Speeding up Pollard's Rho Method for Computing Discrete Logarithms
11:45-12:05 Dan Boneh, Jeremy Horwitz Generating a Product of Three Primes with an Unknown Factorization
2:00-2:20 J-M. Deshouillers, Herman te Riele, Yannick Saouter New Experimental Results Concerning the Goldbach Conjecture
2:25-2:45 Daniel Panario, Xavier Gourdon, Philippe Flajolet An Analytic Approach to Smooth Polynomials over Finite Fields
2:50-3:10 Jean-Marc Deshouillers, François Hennecart, Bernard Landreau Do Sums of 4 Biquadrates have a Positive Density?
3:15-3:35 Giovanni Cesari Parallel Implementation of Schönhage's integer GCD algorithm
5:30 p.m. Banquet, Oregon Historical Society
9:00-10:00 Invited Talk: Andrew Granville On Aurifeuillian Factorizations
10:30-10:50 Brian Murphy Modelling the Yeild of Number Field Sieve Polynomials
10:55-11:15 Phong Nguyen A Montgomery-like Square Root for the Number Field Sieve
11:20-11:40 Zhang Mingzhi Factorization of numbers of the form m^3+c_2m^2+c_1m+c_0
11:45-12:05 F. Morain Primality proving using elliptic curves: an update
2:00-2:20 Preda Mihailescu Cyclotomy Primality Proving - Recent Developments
2:25-2:45 Bruno Haible, Thomas Papanikolaou Fast Multiprecision Evaluation of Series of Rational Numbers
2:50-3:10 Henri Cohen, Francisco Diaz y Diaz, Michel Olivier A Table of Totally Complex Number Fields of Small Discriminants
3:45-4:05 Henri Cohen, Francisco Diaz y Diaz, Michel Olivier Imprimitive Octic Fields with Small Discriminant
4:10-4:30 John W. Jones, David P. Roberts Timing Analysis of Targeted Hunter Searches
4:35-4:55 Jacques Martinet On Successive Minima of Algebraic Integers
9:00-9:20 Harald Niederreiter, Chaoping Xing A General Method of Constructing Global Function Fields with many Rational Places
9:25-9:45 Sachar Paulus, Andreas Stein Comparing Real and Imaginary Arithmetics for Divisor Class Groups of Hyperelliptic Curves
9:50-10:20 Andreas Stein, Hugh C. Williams An Improved Method of Computing the Regulator of a Real Quadratic Function Field
10:45-11:05 Alice Gee, Peter Stevenhagen Generating Class Fields using Shimura Reciprocity
11:10-11:30 Henri Cohen, Francisco Diaz y Diaz, Michel Olivier Computation of Relative Quadratic Class Groups
11:35-11:55 Michael J. Jacobson, Jr. Experimental Results on Class Groups of Real Quadratic Fields
12:00-12:20 Stéphane Louboutin Computation of Relative Class Numbers of Imaginary Cyclic Fields of 2-power Degrees
2:00-2:20 Ming-Deh Huang, Yiu-Chung Wong An Approximation Algorithm for Counting Points on Algebraic Sets over Finite Fields
2:25-2:45 Bart de Smit Generating Arithmetically Equivalent Number Fields with Elliptic Curves
2:50-3:10 Z. Djabri, N.P. Smart A Comparison of Direct and Indirect Methods for Computing Selmer Groups of an Elliptic Curve
3:15-3:35 A. Petho, E. Herrmann, H. G. Zimmer S-integral points on elliptic curves and Fermat's triple equations
9:00-9:20 Stefan Neis Reducing Ideal Arithmetic to Linear Algebra Problems
9:25-9:45 I. A. Semaev Evaluation of Linear Relations Between Vectors of a Lattice in Euclidean Space
9:50-10:10 Susanne Wetzel An Efficient Parallel Block-Reduction Algorithm
10:45-11:05 Brigitte Vallée The Complete Analysis of the Binary Euclidean Algorithm
11:10-11:30 Sachar Paulus Lattice Basis Reduction in Function Fields
11:35-11:55 E. Teske, H.C. Williams A Problem Concerning a Character Sum
12:00-12:20 Alf van der Poorten Formal Power Series and their Continued Fraction Expansion

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